Very interesting story and presentation
not so good animation, but i like to see dream art because its somthing I am very interested in. Your brain has a heat sensor called the pineal gland or the third eye. This is highly evolved in lizards to sense another spectrum of light. In the same way that when one takes a hullucenagenic drug many times that person builds up a level of symbolism, we have a level of symbolism for our light vision (when you look at a word you see it as a picture). We are either developing from using a heat sensor in our brain or evolving to use it. When we dream unconsciously (non lucid) its very similar to the inkblot tests you show to mental patients but in heat, we use symbols from our waking life to make sense of these inkblots. You create your dreams with your belief system, when you find yourself aware you are dreaming create some false beliefs and it will change the dream. reality works in much the same way only your belief system is tied to a stronger symbolic level allowing you to rarely fool your mind into changing your reality.
The heat part of our brain is very similar in feral terms to our fight or flight mechanism that draws our attention to quick moving light, this stops predators from having the edge. The heat sensor in our brain may have began life as a similar version of this to sense heat through our brains to guard us from animals when sleeping..
I noticed a lot of your dream was based on computer games, you have obviously got a lot of that kinda symbolism. just remember that reading dream signs is bullsh*t, unless your exactly the same person that wrote the book of dream sign meanings..
if theres anything whatsoever you want to know about dreams then PM me